
Simple Tips and Tricks to lose weight

  • Eat a high fiber, whole grain breakfast. Add some lean protein to it like egg whites. This will give your day a wonderful start and will help you feel less hungry through out the day.
  • Always have good snacks around you like carrots, apples and other fruits, nuts like almonds and walnuts. Remove all the bad ones containing refined carbs, sugars and the ones with transfats. As soon as you feel tempted for a snack try drinking some water and/or reach for a good snack. But watch your portion with nuts.
  • Move more. Be it walking, chores around the house, climbing stairs, running after children or anything else. Get up off the couch and move more.


  1. These are really some nice tips to lose weight. It’s definitely very significant to take care of your eating habits. Ensure you have a right dieting plan that includes all those things that you can eat and that you can not eat.

    Health News

  2. Natural ways are really good to solve any kind of problems like fresh fruits are very helpful to lose extra weight of the body. Fruits are another good source of vitamins very helpful to make your body stronger and beautiful.

    Online Counseling

  3. Great list! Here is also a home remedy: have a glass of hot water with a spoon of Lemon juice and a spoon of honey in the morning.

    Acai Berrry
